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لینک دوستان

تبادل لینک هوشمند
برای تبادل لینک  ابتدا ما را با عنوان مرجع تبادل لینک و معرفی سایت و آدرس yasy.LXB.ir لینک نمایید سپس مشخصات لینک خود را در زیر نوشته . در صورت وجود لینک ما در سایت شما لینکتان به طور خودکار در سایت ما قرار میگیرد.

منبع : ایران سازه

ACI 318-11
Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete  (ACI 318-11)
First Printing August 2011
509 Pages, 11.16 MB

لينك مديا فاير


بازگشت به صفحه اصلی وبلاگ مهندسی عمران راه و ساختمان(مهندس حسن فراهانی)


منبع : ایران عمران

آئين نامه بتن ايران (آبا) - تجديد نظر اول - نشريه شماره 120 + انضمام ها

نشريه شماره 120 (سال 1383)

نشريه شماره 126 (سال 1381)

استاندارد مشخصات و آزمايش‌هاي آبا (تفسير فصل پنجم آيين‌نامه بتن ايران)

آئين نامه بتن ايران (آبا) - تجديد نظر اول

راهنماي آيين نامه بتن ايران "آبا"

واژه‌نامه بتن (ويرايش سوم) (او سي آر انگليسي)

تفسير بخش اول آئين نامه بتن ايران (آبا) كليات مصالح و مسائل اجرايي

تفسير بخش دوم آئين نامه بتن ايران (آبا) اصول تحليلي و طراحي

در ادامه مطلب







ادامه مطلب

منبع : سیویل استارز

Frost Durability of Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements

[تصویر: frost_durability_rcc_2007.jpg]

The growth of roller-compacted concrete pavement use in cold climate regions often is impeded by concerns regarding its ability to resist frost attack. Most published laboratory test results have indicated that the frost resistance and particularly the deicer salt-scale resistance of RCC are not always satisfactory. However, long-term field performance indicates that non-air entrainment RCC can be quite resistant to frost action. The report provides a comprehensive review on the current practices and recent developments in material selection and aggregate gradation, mixture design methods, production process and placement techniques. Improved construction techniques and recent developments in mixture design methods have resulted in stronger more durable RCC. Data shows that as little as 1.5% of spherical air bubbles can have a beneficial influence on the frost resistance durability of RCC. Test results indicate that ASTM C 1262 appears to be a reliable method of assessing the frost durability of RCC.

در ادامه مطلب




ادامه مطلب

منبع : مجله سیویل

 (Reinforced Concrete - Analysis and Design (Author:S. S. Ray

Hardcover: 543 pages-Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell (1 Dec 1994)-Language English-
0632037245-ISBN-13: 978-0632037247-Product Dimensions: 25.4 x 18 x 3.5 cm
در ادامه مطلب

بازگشت به صفحه اصلی وبلاگ مهندسی عمران راه و ساختمان(مهندس حسن فراهانی)


ادامه مطلب

منبع : iiiwe.com

طراحی ژوئن ها در سازه های بتنی

Joints in Concrete Construction

ACI 224.3R-95


Reported by ACI Committee 224

به حجم 900 کیلوبایت

در فرمت پی دی اف(pdf)

لینک دانلود :


نکنه : برای دانلود نیاز به در عضویت سایت iiiwe.com  دارد...

لینک دانلود :



منبع : ایران سازه

ACI 334.1R-92

(Reapproved 2002)

Concrete Shell Structures Practice and Commentary Reported by ACI Committee 334

به حجم 318 کیلوبایت

در فرمت فشرده (rar)


لینک دانلود :


ACI 334.3R-05

Construction of Concrete Shells Using Inflated Forms Reported by Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 334

به حجم 197 کیلوبایت

در فرمت فشرده (rar)


لینک دانلود :


منبع : ایران سازهACI-530R-05 Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures and Commentary

ACI 530-05/ASCE 5-05/TMS 402-05

به حجم 2.5 مگابایت

در فرمت پی دی اف (pdf)


لینک دانلود :




منبع : iiiwe.com

کتاب بتن مهندسی شده، طرح اختلاط و روشهای آزمایش

  (Engineered Concrete, Mix Design And Test Methods)


نویسنده کتاب: IRVING KETT

سال انتشار : 2010 میلادی

قابل استفاده برای مهندسان : عمران، سازه

به حجم 3.62 مگابایت

در فرمت فشرده (rar)

شرمنده به علت قوانین سایت فوق از ایجاد لینک کمکی معذور هستم

لینک دانلود :


منبع : iiiwe.com

راهنمای قالب بندی برای بتن

ACI-347-01 Guide to Formwork for Concrete

Guide to Formwork for Concrete Reported by ACI Committee 347

به حجم 382 کیلوبایت

در فرمت پی دی اف (pdf)

شرمنده به علت قوانین سایت فوق از ایجاد لینک کمکی معذور هستم در صورت یافتن لینک در اینترنت قرار داده خواهد شد...

لینک دانلود :




استاندارد اجرايي براي سازه هاي بتنی
ويرايش اول
بهمن 1387

استانداردهاي نفت، براساس استانداردهاي قابل قبول بين المللي تهيه شده و شامل گزيدههائي از  استانداردهاي مرجع مي باشد. همچنين براساس تجربيات صنعت نفت كشور و قابليت تأمين كالا از بازار داخلي و نيز برحسب نياز، مواردي بطور تكميلي و يا اصلاحي در اين استاندارد لحاظ شده است. مواردي از گزينه هاي فني كه در متن استانداردها آورده نشده است در داده برگ ها بصورت شماره گذاري شده براي استفاده مناسب كاربران آورده شده است...

با ترجمه زبان فارسی ( انگلیسی )

به حجم حدود 1 مگابایت

در فرمت پی دی اف (pdf)


منبع : ایران سازه

ترك خوردگي در سازه هاي بتني 2-326

به حجم 3.2 مگابایت

در فرمت پی دی اف (pdf)

لینک دانلود :




منبع : ایران سازه

دانلود راهنمايي آيين نامه بتن ايران 1-126

به حجم 12 مگابایت

در فرمت پی دی اف (pdf)

لینک دانلود :



منبع : ایران سازه

Limit State Design Of Reinforced Concrete by P. C. Varghese

Author: P C varghese | Size: 22 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: prentice hall | Year: 1999 | pages: 566 | ISBN: 8120320395
Book Summary of Limit State Design Of Reinforced Concrete
This substantially revised second edition takes into account the provisions of the revised Indian Code of practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete IS 456 : 2000. It also provides additional data on detailing of steel to make the book more useful to practicing engineers. The chapter on Limit State of Durability for Environment has been completely revised and the new provisions of the code such as those for design for shear in reinforced concrete, rules for shearing main steel in slabs, lateral steel in columns, and stirrups in beams have been explained in detail in the new edition.
This comprehensive and systematically organized book is intended for undergraduate students of Civil Engineering, covering the first course on Reinforced Concrete Design and as a reference for the practicing engineers. Besides covering IS 456 : 2000, the book also deals with the British and US Codes. Advanced topics of IS 456 : 2000 have been discussed in the companion volume Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design (also published by Prentice-Hall of India). The two books together cover all the topics in IS 456 : 2000 and many other topics which are so important in modern methods of design of reinforced concrete.




منبع : ایران سازه

TechnologyAggregates in Concrete - Modern Concrete Technology

Author: M. G. Alexander, S. Mindess | Size: 4.85 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Spon Press | Year: 2005 | pages: 448 | ISBN: 0415258391

Bringing together in one volume the latest research and information, this book provides a detailed guide to the selection and use of aggregates in concrete. After an introduction defining the purpose and role of aggregates in concrete, the authors present an overview of aggregate sources and production techniques, followed by a detailed study of their physical, mechanical and chemical properties. This knowledge is then applied to the use of aggregates in both plastic and hardened concretes, and in the overall mix design. Special aggregates and their applications are discussed in detail, as are the current main specifications, standards and tests.




منبع : ایران سازه

Fatigue of Fiber-reinforced Composites - Engineering Materials and Processes

Author: Anastasios P. Vassilopoulos, Thomas Keller | Size: 3.3 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2011 | pages: 280 | ISBN: 1849961808

Fatigue has long been recognized as a mechanism that can provoke catastrophic material failure in structural applications and researchers are now turning to the development of prediction tools in order to reduce the cost of determining design criteria for any new material. Fatigue of Fiber-reinforced Composites explains these highly scientific subjects in a simple yet thorough way.
Fatigue behavior of fiber-reinforced composite materials and structural components is described through the presentation of numerous experimental results. Many examples help the reader to visualize the failure modes of laminated composite materials and structural adhesively bonded joints. Theoretical models, based on these experimental data, are demonstrated and their capacity for fatigue life modeling and prediction is thoroughly assessed.
Fatigue of Fiber-reinforced Composites gives the reader the opportunity to learn about methods for modeling the fatigue behavior of fiber-reinforced composites, about statistical analysis of experimental data, and about theories for life prediction under loading patterns that produce multiaxial fatigue stress states. The authors combine these theories to establish a complete design process that is able to predict fatigue life of fiber-reinforced composites under multiaxial, variable amplitude stress states. A classic design methodology is presented for demonstration and theoretical predictions are compared to experimental data from typical material systems used in the wind turbine rotor blade industry.
Fatigue of Fiber-reinforced Composites also presents novel computational methods for modeling fatigue behavior of composite materials, such as artificial neural networks and genetic programming, as a promising alternative to the conventional methods. It is an ideal source of information for researchers and graduate students in mechanical engineering, civil engineering and materials science.


منبع : ایران سازه

کتاب تفسیر آیین نامه PCA Notes on ACI318-08- aci

به حجم 46.5 مگابایت

در ادامه مطلب


ادامه مطلب

منبع : ایران سازه

نشريه شماره 543


( دستورالعمل طراحي و اجراي سقف هاي تيرچه و بلوك تيرچه هاي پيش ساخته خرپايي و تيرچه هاي فولادي با جان باز )

سال 1390

به حجم 9.65 مگابایت

در فرمت پی دی اف (pdf)


لینک کمکی از ایران سازه







منبع : ایران سازه

همه اطلاعات لازم در مورد انواع پله

شامل پلان - نما - مقطع - دتایل - عکس - بارگذاری - آنالیز - طراحی - آرماتورگذاری در 366 صفحه



به حجم 6.35 مگابایت

در فرمت پی دی اف (pdf)


لینک کمکی از ایران سازه


: مرتبه
[ شنبه 10 دی 1390برچسب: آیین نامه - Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete - ACI 318-11 (مهندس حسن فراهانی) منبع : ایران سازه ACI 318-11 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-11) First Printing August 2011 509 Pages, 11,16 MB http://ifile,it/anuwqti http://ifile,it/s7ymlk لينك مديا فاير http://www,mediafire,com/?hlh7712xgp573df بازگشت به صفحه اصلی وبلاگ مهندسی عمران راه و ساختمان(مهندس حسن فراهانی) + نوشته شده در سه شنبه 15 آذر1390ساعت 17:17 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات آئين نامه بتن ايران (آبا) - تجديد نظر اول - نشريه شماره 120 + انضمام ها (مهندس حسن فراهانی) منبع : ایران عمران آئين نامه بتن ايران (آبا) - تجديد نظر اول - نشريه شماره 120 + انضمام ها نشريه شماره 120 (سال 1383) نشريه شماره 126 (سال 1381) استاندارد مشخصات و آزمايش‌هاي آبا (تفسير فصل پنجم آيين‌نامه بتن ايران) آئين نامه بتن ايران (آبا) - تجديد نظر اول راهنماي آيين نامه بتن ايران "آبا" واژه‌نامه بتن (ويرايش سوم) (او سي آر انگليسي) تفسير بخش اول آئين نامه بتن ايران (آبا) كليات مصالح و مسائل اجرايي تفسير بخش دوم آئين نامه بتن ايران (آبا) اصول تحليلي و طراحي در ادامه مطلب بازگشت به صفحه اصلی وبلاگ مهندسی عمران راه و ساختمان(مهندس حسن فراهانی) ادامه مطلب + نوشته شده در یکشنبه 6 آذر1390ساعت 17:17 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات کتاب لاتین سازه بتنی- Frost Durability of Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements (مهندس حسن فراهانی) منبع : سیویل استارز Frost Durability of Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements [تصویر: frost_durability_rcc_2007,jpg] The growth of roller-compacted concrete pavement use in cold climate regions often is impeded by concerns regarding its ability to resist frost attack, Most published laboratory test results have indicated that the frost resistance and particularly the deicer salt-scale resistance of RCC are not always satisfactory, However, long-term field performance indicates that non-air entrainment RCC can be quite resistant to frost action, The report provides a comprehensive review on the current practices and recent developments in material selection and aggregate gradation, mixture design methods, production process and placement techniques, Improved construction techniques and recent developments in mixture design methods have resulted in stronger more durable RCC, Data shows that as little as 1,5% of spherical air bubbles can have a beneficial influence on the frost resistance durability of RCC, Test results indicate that ASTM C 1262 appears to be a reliable method of assessing the frost durability of RCC, در ادامه مطلب بازگشت به صفحه اصلی وبلاگ مهندسی عمران راه و ساختمان(مهندس حسن فراهانی) ادامه مطلب + نوشته شده در شنبه 30 مهر1390ساعت 15:10 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات کتاب لاتین - (Reinforced Concrete - Analysis and Design (Author:S, S, Ray (مهندس حسن فراهانی) منبع : مجله سیویل (Reinforced Concrete - Analysis and Design (Author:S, S, Ray Hardcover: 543 pages-Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell (1 Dec 1994)-Language English- ISBN-10: 0632037245-ISBN-13: 978-0632037247-Product Dimensions: 25,4 x 18 x 3,5 cm در ادامه مطلب بازگشت به صفحه اصلی وبلاگ مهندسی عمران راه و ساختمان(مهندس حسن فراهانی) ادامه مطلب + نوشته شده در جمعه 8 مهر1390ساعت 16:31 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات طراحی ژوئن ها در سازه های بتنی (Joints in Concrete Construction) منبع : iiiwe,com طراحی ژوئن ها در سازه های بتنی Joints in Concrete Construction ACI 224,3R-95 2001 Reported by ACI Committee 224 به حجم 900 کیلوبایت در فرمت پی دی اف(pdf) لینک دانلود : http://www,bpesol,com/bachphuong/media/images/book/2243r_95,pdf نکنه : برای دانلود نیاز به در عضویت سایت iiiwe,com دارد,,, لینک دانلود : http://www,iiiwe,com/file/attachment/article/joints_concrete_construction/2243r_95,pdf + نوشته شده در سه شنبه 22 شهریور1390ساعت 16:31 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات ACI 334,1R-92 و ACI 334,3R-05 منبع : ایران سازه ACI 334,1R-92 (Reapproved 2002) Concrete Shell Structures Practice and Commentary Reported by ACI Committee 334 به حجم 318 کیلوبایت در فرمت فشرده (rar) لینک دانلود : http://www,4shared,com/document/KvoOBrem/3341r_92,html ACI 334,3R-05 Construction of Concrete Shells Using Inflated Forms Reported by Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 334 به حجم 197 کیلوبایت در فرمت فشرده (rar) لینک دانلود : http://www,4shared,com/document/bNmMaXtf/3343R_05,html + نوشته شده در یکشنبه 16 مرداد1390ساعت 15:56 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات آیین نامه - ACI-530R-05 Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures and Commentary منبع : ایران سازه ACI-530R-05 Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures and Commentary ACI 530-05/ASCE 5-05/TMS 402-05 به حجم 2,5 مگابایت در فرمت پی دی اف (pdf) A1000 لینک دانلود : http://megaupload,com/?d=T5EF4QVF http://www,4shared,com/document/CDmiU8_a/A1000,html + نوشته شده در جمعه 14 مرداد1390ساعت 15:7 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات کتاب بتن مهندسی شده, طرح اختلاط و روشهای آزمایش منبع : iiiwe,com کتاب بتن مهندسی شده, طرح اختلاط و روشهای آزمایش (Engineered Concrete, Mix Design And Test Methods) http://www,hfarahani48,blogfa,com نویسنده کتاب: IRVING KETT سال انتشار : 2010 میلادی قابل استفاده برای مهندسان : عمران, سازه به حجم 3,62 مگابایت در فرمت فشرده (rar) شرمنده به علت قوانین سایت فوق از ایجاد لینک کمکی معذور هستم لینک دانلود : http://www,iiiwe,com/file/attachment/article/concrete_design_test_methods/Engineeredeng,rar + نوشته شده در دوشنبه 10 مرداد1390ساعت 14:57 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات راهنمای قالب بندی برای بتن ( ACI-347-01 Guide to Formwork for Concrete ) منبع : iiiwe,com راهنمای قالب بندی برای بتن ACI-347-01 Guide to Formwork for Concrete Guide to Formwork for Concrete Reported by ACI Committee 347 به حجم 382 کیلوبایت در فرمت پی دی اف (pdf) شرمنده به علت قوانین سایت فوق از ایجاد لینک کمکی معذور هستم در صورت یافتن لینک در اینترنت قرار داده خواهد شد,,, لینک دانلود : http://www,iiiwe,com/file/attachment/article/guide_formwork_concrete/347_01,pdf CONSTRUCTION STANDARD FOR CONCRETE STRUCTURES FIRST REVISION FEBRUARY 2009 IPS-C-CE-200-1 استاندارد اجرايي براي سازه هاي بتنی ويرايش اول بهمن 1387 استانداردهاي نفت, براساس استانداردهاي قابل قبول بين المللي تهيه شده و شامل گزيدههائي از استانداردهاي مرجع مي باشد, همچنين براساس تجربيات صنعت نفت كشور و قابليت تأمين كالا از بازار داخلي و نيز برحسب نياز, مواردي بطور تكميلي و يا اصلاحي در اين استاندارد لحاظ شده است, مواردي از گزينه هاي فني كه در متن استانداردها آورده نشده است در داده برگ ها بصورت شماره گذاري شده براي استفاده مناسب كاربران آورده شده است,,, با ترجمه زبان فارسی ( انگلیسی ) به حجم حدود 1 مگابایت در فرمت پی دی اف (pdf) لینک دانلود : http://217,174,18,60/IPS1389/ce/c-ce-200,pdf + نوشته شده در یکشنبه 9 مرداد1390ساعت 18:48 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات ترك خوردگي در سازه هاي بتني 2-326 منبع : ایران سازه ترك خوردگي در سازه هاي بتني 2-326 به حجم 3,2 مگابایت در فرمت پی دی اف (pdf) لینک دانلود : http://www,4shared,com/document/iSr6nMsz/ns326t2,html دانلود برخی از نشریات سازمان مدیریت و برنامه ریزی + نوشته شده در شنبه 1 مرداد1390ساعت 23:17 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات دانلود راهنمايي آيين نامه بتن ايران 1-126 منبع : ایران سازه دانلود راهنمايي آيين نامه بتن ايران 1-126 به حجم 12 مگابایت در فرمت پی دی اف (pdf) لینک دانلود : http://www,4shared,com/document/2NqKFqBc/ns126t1,html دانلود برخی از نشریات سازمان مدیریت و برنامه ریزی + نوشته شده در شنبه 1 مرداد1390ساعت 23:12 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات Limit State Design Of Reinforced Concrete by P, C, Varghese منبع : ایران سازه Limit State Design Of Reinforced Concrete by P, C, Varghese Author: P C varghese | Size: 22 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: prentice hall | Year: 1999 | pages: 566 | ISBN: 8120320395 Book Summary of Limit State Design Of Reinforced Concrete This substantially revised second edition takes into account the provisions of the revised Indian Code of practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete IS 456 : 2000, It also provides additional data on detailing of steel to make the book more useful to practicing engineers, The chapter on Limit State of Durability for Environment has been completely revised and the new provisions of the code such as those for design for shear in reinforced concrete, rules for shearing main steel in slabs, lateral steel in columns, and stirrups in beams have been explained in detail in the new edition, This comprehensive and systematically organized book is intended for undergraduate students of Civil Engineering, covering the first course on Reinforced Concrete Design and as a reference for the practicing engineers, Besides covering IS 456 : 2000, the book also deals with the British and US Codes, Advanced topics of IS 456 : 2000 have been discussed in the companion volume Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design (also published by Prentice-Hall of India), The two books together cover all the topics in IS 456 : 2000 and many other topics which are so important in modern methods of design of reinforced concrete, https://rapidshare,com/files/2790741000/Reinforced_Concrete_Design__Limit_State__-_by_Varghese_P,C,,pdf دانلود مجموعه ای از کتاب های لاتین در زمینه بتن و سازه های بتنی + نوشته شده در چهارشنبه 29 تیر1390ساعت 8:20 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات Aggregates in Concrete - Modern Concrete منبع : ایران سازه TechnologyAggregates in Concrete - Modern Concrete Technology Author: M, G, Alexander, S, Mindess | Size: 4,85 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Spon Press | Year: 2005 | pages: 448 | ISBN: 0415258391 Bringing together in one volume the latest research and information, this book provides a detailed guide to the selection and use of aggregates in concrete, After an introduction defining the purpose and role of aggregates in concrete, the authors present an overview of aggregate sources and production techniques, followed by a detailed study of their physical, mechanical and chemical properties, This knowledge is then applied to the use of aggregates in both plastic and hardened concretes, and in the overall mix design, Special aggregates and their applications are discussed in detail, as are the current main specifications, standards and tests, http://depositfiles,com/en/files/g8ouujq20/18954_0415258391,pdf http://uploading,com/files/eebmbe18/18954_0415258391,pdf/ http://www,filesonic,com/file/1427841941/18954_0415258391,pdf دانلود مجموعه ای از کتاب های لاتین در زمینه بتن و سازه های بتنی + نوشته شده در چهارشنبه 29 تیر1390ساعت 8:16 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات Fatigue of Fiber-reinforced Composites - Engineering Materials and Processes منبع : ایران سازه Fatigue of Fiber-reinforced Composites - Engineering Materials and Processes Author: Anastasios P, Vassilopoulos, Thomas Keller | Size: 3,3 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2011 | pages: 280 | ISBN: 1849961808 Fatigue has long been recognized as a mechanism that can provoke catastrophic material failure in structural applications and researchers are now turning to the development of prediction tools in order to reduce the cost of determining design criteria for any new material, Fatigue of Fiber-reinforced Composites explains these highly scientific subjects in a simple yet thorough way, Fatigue behavior of fiber-reinforced composite materials and structural components is described through the presentation of numerous experimental results, Many examples help the reader to visualize the failure modes of laminated composite materials and structural adhesively bonded joints, Theoretical models, based on these experimental data, are demonstrated and their capacity for fatigue life modeling and prediction is thoroughly assessed, Fatigue of Fiber-reinforced Composites gives the reader the opportunity to learn about methods for modeling the fatigue behavior of fiber-reinforced composites, about statistical analysis of experimental data, and about theories for life prediction under loading patterns that produce multiaxial fatigue stress states, The authors combine these theories to establish a complete design process that is able to predict fatigue life of fiber-reinforced composites under multiaxial, variable amplitude stress states, A classic design methodology is presented for demonstration and theoretical predictions are compared to experimental data from typical material systems used in the wind turbine rotor blade industry, Fatigue of Fiber-reinforced Composites also presents novel computational methods for modeling fatigue behavior of composite materials, such as artificial neural networks and genetic programming, as a promising alternative to the conventional methods, It is an ideal source of information for researchers and graduate students in mechanical engineering, civil engineering and materials science, http://www,filesonic,com/file/1468325274/20958__Fatigue_of_Fiber_reinforced,pdf http://uploading,com/files/3c293m94/20958__Fatigue_of_Fiber_reinforced,pdf/ http://depositfiles,com/en/files/cujgiqppg/20958__Fatigue_of_Fiber_reinforced,pdf دانلود مجموعه ای از کتاب های لاتین در زمینه بتن و سازه های بتنی + نوشته شده در چهارشنبه 29 تیر1390ساعت 8:10 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات کتاب تفسیر آیین نامه PCA Notes on ACI318-08- aci (مهندس حسن فراهانی) منبع : ایران سازه کتاب تفسیر آیین نامه PCA Notes on ACI318-08- aci [http://dc345,4shared,com/doc/dkL3x6fE/preview001,png] به حجم 46,5 مگابایت در ادامه مطلب بازگشت به صفحه اصلی وبلاگ مهندسی عمران راه و ساختمان(مهندس حسن فراهانی) ادامه مطلب + نوشته شده در سه شنبه 7 تیر1390ساعت 9:23 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات نشريه شماره 543 (دستورالعمل طراحي و اجراي سقف هاي تيرچه و بلوك تيرچه هاي پيش ساخته خرپايي و تيرچه ه منبع : ایران سازه نشريه شماره 543 ( دستورالعمل طراحي و اجراي سقف هاي تيرچه و بلوك تيرچه هاي پيش ساخته خرپايي و تيرچه هاي فولادي با جان باز ) سال 1390 به حجم 9,65 مگابایت در فرمت پی دی اف (pdf) Download لینک کمکی از ایران سازه دانلود + نوشته شده در جمعه 3 تیر1390ساعت 23:27 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات همه اطلاعات لازم در مورد انواع پله منبع : ایران سازه همه اطلاعات لازم در مورد انواع پله شامل پلان - نما - مقطع - دتایل - عکس - بارگذاری - آنالیز - طراحی - آرماتورگذاری در 366 صفحه http://hfarahani48,blogfa,com http://hfarahani48,blogfa,com به حجم 6,35 مگابایت در فرمت پی دی اف (pdf) Downlaod لینک کمکی از ایران سازه دانلود + نوشته شده در چهارشنبه 25 خرداد1390ساعت 7:43 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات دانلود آیین نامه آبا به همراه تفسیر دو جلدی آن منبع : icivil,ir آیین نامه آبا به همراه تفسیر دو جلدی آن نقل قول: آیین نامه طراحی سازه های بتنی ایران که به نام آبا میشناسیم به همراه تفسیر دو جلدی آن برای دانلود در ادامه قرار گرفته است که تقدیم به شما عزیزان میشود,,, آیین نامه بتن- آبا لینک اتصال دانلود ادامه مطلب + نوشته شده در دوشنبه 23 خرداد1390ساعت 8:48 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات Concrete repairs, Performance in service and current practice منبع : emjm Concrete repairs, Performance in service and current practice Author: Tilly, G, P, and Jacobs, J, | Size: 5,01 MB | Format: PDF | Year: 2007 | pages: 56 | ISBN: 9781860819704 İmage http://ifile,it/cy9pi3j/concrete%20repairs%20performance%20in%20service%20and%20current%20practice,pdf http://hotfile,com/dl/115925439/0cdb58d/_performance_in_service_and_current_practice,zip,html https://rapidshare,com/files/459380084/_performance_in_service_and_current_practice,zip http://www,ziddu,com/download/14762613/_performance_in_service_and_current_practice,zip,html http://www,easy-share,com/1914966971/_performance_in_service_and_current_practice,zip http://www,zshare,net/download/89478267e18f9e34/ http://www,2shared,com/file/sQcUq24J/_performance_in_service_and_cu,html http://ifile,it/4z05pea/_performance_in_service_and_current_practice,zip پسورد: FromCivilEA + نوشته شده در پنجشنبه 12 خرداد1390ساعت 10:4 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات جزوه درس طرح لرزه ای سازه های بتنی دکتر اشکان شریفی استاد دانشگاه علوم و تحقیقات فارس منبع : ارشد سازه جزوه درس طرح لرزه ای سازه های بتنی دکتر اشکان شریفی استاد دانشگاه علوم و تحقیقات فارس part1 -part2 or (ppt) - part 3 -part 4 - Part5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 Home Work 1 کتاب طراحی لرزه ای سازه مسلح بتنی و مصالح ساختمان Seismic Design Of Reinforced Concrete And Masonry Buildings - T,Paulay,M,Priestley -1992 به حجم 16,25 مگابایت در فرمت پی دی اف (pdf) Download تصویرکتاب + نوشته شده در سه شنبه 13 اردیبهشت1390ساعت 10:22 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات دو کتاب : ACI-318M-08 - Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary منبع : ایران سازه ACI-318M-08 - Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary ACI-318M-08 - Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary Metric Units در ادامه مطلب ادامه مطلب + نوشته شده در سه شنبه 30 فروردین1390ساعت 20:4 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات دانلود کتاب بتن : concrete 2nd Edition منبع : مجله مهندسی مدیریت و ساخت Concrete 2nd Edition By Sidney Mindess, J, Francis Young, David Darwin ebooksclub,org__Concrete__2nd_Edition Concrete (2nd Edition) library,nu #33407 به حجم 59,26 مگابایت در فرمت پي دي اف Download + نوشته شده در چهارشنبه 17 فروردین1390ساعت 3:46 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات كتاب تحليل و طراحي پي ويرايش پنجم ژوزف بولز (FOUNDATION ANALYSIS AND DESIGN) منبع : ايران سازه كتاب تحليل و طراحي پي ويرايش پنجم ژوزف بولز FOUNDATION ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Fifth Edition Joseph E, Bowles, RE,, S,E به حجم 56 مگابايت در فرمت پي دي اف Download قسمت (فصل) هشتم كتاب (ويرايش چهارم) طراحي پي و تيرهاي رابط در حالت الاستيك به حجم 6,6 مگابايت در فرمت پي دي اف Download + نوشته شده در شنبه 28 اسفند1389ساعت 20:58 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات Design Guide 5 For concrete filled hollow section columns under static and seismic loading منبع : ايران سازه Design Guide 5 For concrete filled hollow section columns under static and seismic loading Author: R, Bergmann, C, Matsui, C, Meinsma, D, Dutta | Size: 17,6 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: TÜV Verlag | Year: 1995 | pages: 69 | ISBN: 3824902982 One of the main physical properties of a hollow profile is its optimal efficiency, superior to all other structural elements, in resisting compression, In filling the hollow profile with concrete, one, increase its structural capacity considerably or, potentially, one decreases, for a given load, clutter in reducing the section of a pillar, An excellent resistance to fire is also obtained in this way, without having ecourse to external protection, This aspect is already the object of a precedent dimensioning guide, This guide is the fifth in the set of works by the CIDECT under the general title "Construction with Hollow Steel Sections", It is destined to help engineers and businessmen anxious to use concrete filled hollow profiles as pillars, as much in buildings as in bridges, under static loads but also under seismic conditions because these profiles behave remarkably in earthquakes http://www,filesonic,com/file/130172551/DG_5_english,pdf http://ifile,it/cn1fzk7 http://www,4shared,com/document/02OG_bey/DG_5_english,html دانلود مجموعه ای از کتاب های لاتین در زمینه بتن و سازه های بتنی + نوشته شده در دوشنبه 9 اسفند1389ساعت 8:44 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات Evaluation and Repair Procedures for Precast/Prestressed Concrete Girders with Longitudinal Cracking منبع : ايران سازه Evaluation and Repair Procedures for Precast/Prestressed Concrete Girders with Longitudinal Cracking in the Web Author: Maher K, Tadros, Sameh S, Badie, Christopher Y, Tuan | Size: 5,43 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: TRB | Year: 2010 | pages: 76 | ISBN: 9780309118354 Systematic, well-designed research provides the most effective approach to the solution of many problems facing highway administrators and engineers, Often, highway problems are of local interest and can best be studied by highway departments individually or in cooperation with their state universities and others, However, the accelerating growth of highway transportation develops increasingly complex problems of wide interest to highway authorities, These problems are best studied through a coordinated program of cooperative research, In recognition of these needs, the highway administrators of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials initiated in 1962 an objective national highway research program employing modern scientific techniques, This program is supported on a continuing basis by funds from participating member states of the Association and it receives the full cooperation and support of the Federal Highway Administration, United States Department of Transportation, The Transportation Research Board of the National Academies was requested by the Association to administer the research program because of the Board’s recognized objectivity and understanding of modern research practices, The Board is uniquely suited for this purpose as it maintains an extensive committee structure from which authorities on any highway transportation subject may be drawn; it possesses avenues of communications and cooperation with federal, state and local governmental agencies, universities, and industry; its relationship to the National Research Council is an insurance of objectivity; it maintains a full-time research correlation staff of specialists in highway transportation matters to bring the findings of research directly to those who are in a position to use them, The program is developed on the basis of research needs identified by chief administrators of the highway and transportation departments and by committees of AASHTO, Each year, specific areas of research needs to be included in the program are proposed to the National Research Council and the Board by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Research projects to fulfill these needs are defined by the Board, and qualified research agencies are selected from those that have submitted proposals, Administration and surveillance of research contracts are the responsibilities of the National Research Council and the Transportation Research Board, The needs for highway research are many, and the National Cooperative Highway Research Program can make significant contributions to the solution of highway transportation problems of mutual concern to many responsible groups, The program, however, is intended to complement rather than to substitute for or duplicate other highway research programs http://ifile,it/rcay7ql http://www,4shared,com/document/2eB7S-HJ/nchrp_rpt_654,html http://www,filesonic,com/file/97913881/nchrp_rpt_654,pdf دانلود مجموعه ای از کتاب های لاتین در زمینه بتن و سازه های بتنی + نوشته شده در یکشنبه 1 اسفند1389ساعت 2:52 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات Control of Cracking in Concrete State of the Art منبع : ايران سازه Control of Cracking in Concrete State of the Art Size: 1,99 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD | Year: 2006 | pages: 56 Causes of Cracking oncrete structures do not frequently fail due to lack of strength, rather due to inadequate durability or due to improper maintenance techniques, The most common cause of premature deterioration is attributed to the development of cracks (Mehta, 1992; Hobbs, 1999), Cracking can occur in concrete pavements and structures for several reasons that can primarily be grouped into either mechanical loading or environmental effects, It should also be noted that for most practical structures, reinforcement is used to bridge and hold cracks together when they develop, thereby assuring load transfer while adding ductility to a relatively brittle material, Therefore not all cracking causes concern, Reinforced concrete elements are frequently designed on the assumption that cracking should take place under standard loading conditions (Nilsson and Winter, 1985; Nawy, 2000), For example continuously reinforced concrete pavements (CRCP) are designed with longitudinal steel in an amount adequate to hold shrinkage cracks tight, while joints exist only at locations of construction transitions and on-grade structures, In this pavement type wherein shrinkage cracks develop over time and stabilize over the first 3 to 4 years, cracking in the transverse direction in specific patterns is not detrimental to the structure as long as the cracks remain tight and retain good load transfer, Therefore, cause of cracking should be carefully identified to determine which cracks are common and acceptable and which cracks merit repair or further investigation, Several guides currently exist to assist in determining the cause of cracking including the American Concrete Institute (ACI) committee reports “Guide for Making and Condition Survey of Concrete in Service” (ACI 201-92) and “Causes, Evaluation and Repair of Cracks in Concrete Structures” (ACI 224-R93), Mechanical loads induce strains that can exceed the strain capacity (or strength capacity) of concrete, thereby causing cracking, Concrete may be particularly susceptible to cracking that occurs at early-ages when concrete has a low tensile capacity (Kasai, 1972), If the loads are applied repeatedly or over a long period of time, fatigue and creep can affect the strain (or strength) development that can lead to failure (Bazant and Celodin, 1991) or reduce stresses (Shah et al,, 1998), Although numerous factors influence whether concrete would be expected to crack due to environmental effects, it can be simply stated that cracking will occur if the stress that develops in response to internal expansion or the restraint of a volumetric contraction that results in stress development exceeds the strength (or fracture resistance) of the material, Internal expansion is primarily caused by chemical attack or freezing of the pore water while volumetric contraction is typically attributed to moisture changes, chemical reactions, and thermal changes http://ifile,it/c06uoti http://www,filesonic,com/file/95425561/ec107,pdf http://www,4shared,com/document/Q4K0WKGe/ec107,html دانلود مجموعه ای از کتاب های لاتین در زمینه بتن و سازه های بتنی + نوشته شده در یکشنبه 1 اسفند1389ساعت 2:43 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات Worked Example EC2 - European Concrete Platform ASBL, May 2008 منبع : ايران سازه Worked Example EC2 - European Concrete Platform ASBL, May 2008 Download Links: You can also get the following book with background information of EN1992-1-1, Commentary to Eurocode 2 Eurocode 2 Worked Examples Publisher: European Concrete Platform ASBL, May 2008 دانلود مجموعه ای از کتاب های لاتین در زمینه بتن و سازه های بتنی ادامه مطلب + نوشته شده در یکشنبه 1 اسفند1389ساعت 2:38 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات NATIONAL STRUCTRUAL CONCRETE SPECIFICATION FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION منبع : ايران سازه NATIONAL STRUCTRUAL CONCRETE SPECIFICATION FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Author: A technical committee of CONSTRUCT | Size: 0,9 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: The Concrete Society | Year: 2004 | pages: 78 | ISBN: 1904482090 National Structural Concrete Specification for Building Construction Ref: CS 152 First published February 1998, 2nd edition December 2003; 3rd Edition May 2004 ISBN 1 904482 09 0 © CONSTRUCT, 2004 A technical committee of CONSTRUCT, The Concrete Structures Group, prepared this Specification as a further revision of the National Concrete Frame Specification for Building Construction, Download دانلود مجموعه ای از کتاب های لاتین در زمینه بتن و سازه های بتنی + نوشته شده در یکشنبه 1 اسفند1389ساعت 2:28 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات National Structural Concrete Specification for Building Construction 3 ed, and 4 ed منبع : ايران سازه National Structural Concrete Specification for Building Construction 3 ed, and 4 ed Author: A technical committee of CONSTRUCT | Size: 0,9 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: The Concrete Society | Year: 2004 | pages: 78 | ISBN: 1904482090 General The NSCS remains laid out in terms of process rather than in terms of materials and workmanship, British Standards are referenced rather than reproduced, Where the NSCS is at variance with British Standards, the NSCS is to be used, The NSCS covers requirements for the construction of concrete building structures of in-situ concrete, precast concrete, and hybrid concrete systems, It is especially relevant for structures designed to BS 8110 and EN 1992 (EC2), Where the NSCS is to be used for structures in extreme environments, those produced by specialist construction techniques or those of a specialist design nature, Part 2, Project specification, should include the appropriate particular requirements, The NSCS is written with safety in mind but does not specify health and safety requirements as these are covered by legal regulations that apply to all construction and are outside the scope of this specification, Where specifications, standards or regulations are referenced, readers should ensure that they refer to the latest editions, NSCS Part 1, Standard specification Specific obligations are placed on the Specialist Concrete Contractor, the Employer and the Engineer, In some cases these will be different organisations; sometimes any or all will be represented by the same organisation, However, their responsibilities remain as required under the Contract, NSCS Part 2, Project specification This part is to be read in conjunction with NSCS Part 1 and outlines project information specific to a particular project and additional to the requirements of NSCS Part 1, Part 2 covers the exchange of information necessary between the Employer and Specialist Concrete Contractor at both tender stage and contract stage, The relevant sections of Part 2 should be completed at the appropriate stage, Part 2 allows the Engineer responsible for the design the freedom to incorporate specific Clauses to vary the standard Clauses of Part 1, It is emphasised that NSCS Part 1 has been produced as a non-prescriptive specification and therefore any amendments through NSCS Part 2 should be as few as possible, The pro-forma layout of Part 2 acts as an aide memoire to the disclosure of relevant information for most types of project, To aid the task of preparing a Project specification, permission is hereby expressly given for users of this document to copy any part or the whole of Part 2, Project specification, without infringement of copyright, A data disc is enclosed to enable easy electronic completion and distribution, NSCS, Guidance notes The Guidance notes are for information only and do not form part of the Specification, They provide background information on the content of the Supplement Parts 1 and 2 and explain why certain Clauses have been adopted, They include reference to the terminology changes used in the new Standards, which may be strange for UK users and are designed to be ‘dipped into’ and read with the relevant clauses in Parts 1 and 2, As a result there is some intentional duplication http://ifile,it/v12f6zg http://www,filesonic,com/file/95350791/NSCS_V3,pdf http://www,4shared,com/document/T9PaoRdS/NSCS_V3,html دانلود مجموعه ای از کتاب های لاتین در زمینه بتن و سازه های بتنی + نوشته شده در یکشنبه 1 اسفند1389ساعت 2:20 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات National Structural Concrete Specification for Building Construction 4 ed منبع : ايران سازه National Structural Concrete Specification for Building Construction 4 ed Author: A technical committee of CONSTRUCT | Size: 1,1 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: The Concrete Centre | Year: 2010 | pages: 132 | ISBN: 9781904818960 The NSCS has the same scope as BS EN 13670 for Building Structures, The NSCS is laid out in terms of processes, and it uses the same sequence as BS EN 13670, European and British Standards are referenced rather than reproduced within the document, The NSCS covers requirements for the construction of concrete building structures of in-situ concrete, precast concrete, and hybrid concrete systems, It is intended for use with structures designed to BS EN 1992, although it can be used when other design standards are used, Where the NSCS is to be used for structures in extreme environments, those produced by specialist construction techniques or those of a specialist design nature, the Project Specifi cation should include the particular requirements where appropriate, It is expected that the requirements for concrete in more specialist geotechnical works will be covered by a specifi cation such as the ICE Specifi cation for piling and embedded retaining walls (SPERW), The NSCS should be coordinated where required with other project specifi cations such as the SPERW, The NSCS is written with safety in mind but does not specify Health and Safety requirements as they are legal regulations that apply to all construction and are inherent within this specifi cation, Where specifi cations, standards or regulations are referred to they shall refer to the latest editions unless reference is made to a specifi c dated clause in a standard, Specifi c obligations are placed on the Constructor, the Employer and the Engineer, In some cases these will be different organisations; sometimes any or all will be represented by the same organisation, However, their responsibilities remain as required under the Contract, The NSCS Project Specifi cation is to be read in conjunction with this Standard Specifi cation and outlines project information specifi c to a particular project that is additional to the requirements of Standard Specifi cation, The NSCS Project Specifi cation covers the exchange of information necessary between the Employer and Constructor at tender stage and contract stage, Completion of the Project Specifi cation is intended to be as required for the stage for which it is being used, i,e, at time of tender or contract commencement, The NSCS Project Specifi cation allows the Engineer responsible for the design the freedom to incorporate specifi c clauses to vary and add to the Standard Specifi cation clauses, It is emphasised that the Standard Specifi cation has been produced as a non-prescriptive specifi cation to meet the standards required by BS EN 13670 and therefore any amendments through the Project Specifi cation should be as few as possible, The pro-forma layout of NSCS Project Specifi cation acts as an aide memoire to the disclosure of relevant information for most types of project, NSCS Guidance provides background information on the content and explains why certain clauses have been adopted, NSCS Guidance is designed to be ‘dipped into’, and read with the relevant clause in Standard and Project Specifi cation; as a result there is some intentional duplication http://ifile,it/hu2b76s http://www,filesonic,com/file/95350781/NSCS_V4,pdf http://www,4shared,com/document/_6Si-Rf4/NSCS_V4,html دانلود مجموعه ای از کتاب های لاتین در زمینه بتن و سازه های بتنی + نوشته شده در یکشنبه 1 اسفند1389ساعت 2:13 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات Limit Analysis and Concrete Plasticity, Third Edition منبع : ايران سازه Limit Analysis and Concrete Plasticity, Third Edition Author: M,P, Nielsen, L,C, Hoang | Size: 13,2 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: 2010 | pages: 816 | ISBN: 143980396X First published in 1984, Limit Analysis and Concrete Plasticity explains for advanced design engineers the principles of plasticity theory and its application to the design of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures, providing a thorough understanding of the subject, rather than simply applying current design formulas, Updated and revised throughout, Limit Analysis and Concrete Plasticity, Third Edition adds— Reinforcement design formulas for three-dimensional stress fields that enable design of solid structures (also suitable for implementation in computer-based lower bound optimizations) Improved explanations of the crack sliding theory and new solutions for beams with arbitrary curved shear cracks, continuous beams, lightly shear reinforced beams and beams with large axial compression More accurate treatment of and solutions for beams with circular cross-section Applications of crack sliding theory to punching shear problems New solutions that illustrate the implication of initial cracking on load-carrying capacity of disks Yield condition for the limiting case of isotropically cracked disk The authors also devote an entirely new chapter to a recently developed theory of rigid-plastic dynamics for seismic design of concrete structures, In comparison with time-history analyses, the new theory is simpler to use and leads to large material savings, With this chapter, plasticity design methods for both statical and dynamical loads are now covered by the book http://uploading,com/files/6c3aa452/143980396XLimitAnalysis,rar/ http://www,filesonic,com/file/77782966/143980396XLimitAnalysis,rar دانلود مجموعه ای از کتاب های لاتین در زمینه بتن و سازه های بتنی + نوشته شده در شنبه 23 بهمن1389ساعت 18:24 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات Worked_Examples_Design_Of_Concrete_Building منبع : ايران سازه Worked_Examples_Design_Of_Concrete_Building Worked_Examples_Design_Of_Concrete_Building as per BS code Design of building components (beam,slab,column,shear wall, foundations,etc,) for different types of buildings 258 pages in PDF format http://www,4shared,com/document/m91Mf50j/BCA_-_Worked_Examples_Design_o,html http://rapidshare,com/files/340273655/BCA_-_Worked_Examples_Design_of_Concrete_Building,pdf دانلود مجموعه ای از کتاب های لاتین در زمینه بتن و سازه های بتنی + نوشته شده در شنبه 23 بهمن1389ساعت 18:17 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات Code of Practice for Precast Concrete Construction منبع : ايران سازه Code of Practice for Precast Concrete Construction Author: Buildings Department, Hong Kong | Size: 1,21 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: The Government of the Hong Kong | Year: 2003 | pages: 73 This Code of Practice deals with the design, construction and quality control of structural and nonstructural precast concrete elements, The design method used in this code is the Limit State Design as given in the Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Concrete, Other alternative design approaches may also be used provided sufficient justifying calculations are submitted, For bridges and associated structures, reference should also be made to the Structures Design Manual for Highways and Railways issued by the Highways Department, All design should be carried out under the supervision of a registered structural engineer or authorized person, with the execution of the works carried out under proper supervision, The requirements outlined in this code apply to both structural and non-structural members دانلود: http://ifile,it/5ku042r http://www,filesonic,com/file/80723193/CODE_OF_PRACTICE_FOR_PRECAST_CONCRETE_CONSTRUCTION,pdf http://www,4shared,com/document/6G7fGhSW/CODE_OF_PRACTICE_FOR_PRECAST_C,html دانلود مجموعه ای از کتاب های لاتین در زمینه بتن و سازه های بتنی + نوشته شده در شنبه 23 بهمن1389ساعت 18:12 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات Shotcrete Design Guidelines Design guidelines to avoid, minimise ,,, of shotcrete منبع : ايران سازه Shotcrete Design Guidelines Design guidelines to avoid, minimise and improve the appearance of shotcrete Author: Gareth Collins | Size: 1,77 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: RTA Road Network Infrastructure Directorate | Year: 2005 | pages: 36 | ISBN: 1920907300 The use of shotcrete has recently come under scrutiny, Although it is cost effective and useful, when used in its natural, untreated state, it is visually intrusive, particularly in highly sensitive urban or rural areas, Due to its poor visual qualities there is often a call to restrict its use, However, this is not possible as it is a valuable engineering technique, useful for stabilising and providing structural support for problematic slopes, This has unnecessarily caused a difference of opinion within road design teams because if considered at the outset, in the route selection and concept design stages, designers and engineers can agree on a common goal to avoid the need for slope stabilisation for visual as well as cost and maintenance reasons, Therefore this document addresses the need to consider unstable slopes early on in the road development process and sets down a strategy and recommendations to avoid or minimise the eventual need for shotcrete, However it also recognises that there will be circumstances where shotcrete is inevitably required and addresses the real practical problem of what is an acceptable appearance http://ifile,it/2zpbtoj http://www,4shared,com/document/sRc2XS4e/shotcrete_design_guidelines,html http://www,filesonic,com/file/79893556/shotcrete_design_guidelines,pdf دانلود مجموعه ای از کتاب های لاتین در زمینه بتن و سازه های بتنی + نوشته شده در شنبه 23 بهمن1389ساعت 18:7 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات Concrete Pumping Code of Practice 2005 منبع : ايران سازه Concrete Pumping Code of Practice 2005 Size: 0,3 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Queensland government | Year: 2005 | pages: 22 Cementitious materials, rocks and fibre-reinforced composites commonly termed as quasibrittle, need a different fracture mechanics approach to model the crack propagation study because of the presence of significant size of fracture process zone ahead of the crack-tip, Recent studies show that concrete structures manifest three important stages in fracture process: crack initiation, stable crack propagation and unstable fracture or failure, Fracture Mechanics concept can better explain the above various stages including the concepts of ductility, size-effect, strain softening and post-cracking behavior of concrete and concrete structures, The purpose of the Concrete Pumping Code of Practice is to give practical advice about ways to manage exposure to risks identified as typical when conducting concrete pumping, دانلود: http://ifile,it/1a24ys3 http://www,4shared,com/document/Oj5bqhRS/Concrete_pumping_code_of_pract,html http://www,filesonic,com/file/80719023/Concrete_pumping_code_of_practice,pdf دانلود مجموعه ای از کتاب های لاتین در زمینه بتن و سازه های بتنی + نوشته شده در شنبه 23 بهمن1389ساعت 17:19 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات Concrete Pumping Code of Practice 2005 منبع : ايران سازه Concrete Pumping Code of Practice 2005 Size: 0,3 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Queensland government | Year: 2005 | pages: 22 Cementitious materials, rocks and fibre-reinforced composites commonly termed as quasibrittle, need a different fracture mechanics approach to model the crack propagation study because of the presence of significant size of fracture process zone ahead of the crack-tip, Recent studies show that concrete structures manifest three important stages in fracture process: crack initiation, stable crack propagation and unstable fracture or failure, Fracture Mechanics concept can better explain the above various stages including the concepts of ductility, size-effect, strain softening and post-cracking behavior of concrete and concrete structures, The purpose of the Concrete Pumping Code of Practice is to give practical advice about ways to manage exposure to risks identified as typical when conducting concrete pumping, دانلود: http://ifile,it/1a24ys3 http://www,4shared,com/document/Oj5bqhRS/Concrete_pumping_code_of_pract,html http://www,filesonic,com/file/80719023/Concrete_pumping_code_of_practice,pdf دانلود مجموعه ای از کتاب های لاتین در زمینه بتن و سازه های بتنی + نوشته شده در شنبه 23 بهمن1389ساعت 17:17 توسط فراهانی | آرشیو نظرات Concrete Fracture Models and Applications منبع : ايران سازه Concrete Fracture Models and Applications Author: Shailendra Kumar, Sudhirkumar V Barai | Size: 5,1 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2011 | pages: 406 | ISBN: 3642167632 Cementitious materials, rocks and fibre-reinforced composites commonly termed as quasibrittle, need a different fracture mechanics approach to model the crack propagation study because of the presence of significant size of fracture process zone ahead of the crack-tip, Recent studies show that concrete structures manifest three important stages in fracture process: crack initiation, stable crack propagation and unstable fracture or failure, Fracture Mechanics concept can better explain the above various stages including the concepts of ductility, size-effect, strain softening and post-cracking behavior of concrete and concrete structures, The book presents a basic introduction on the various nonlinear concrete fracture models considering the respective fracture parameters, To this end, a thorough state-of-the-art review on various aspects of the material behavior and development of different concrete fracture models is presented, The development of cohesive crack model for standard test geometries using commonly used softening functions is shown and extensive studies on the behavior of cohesive crack fracture parameters are also carried out, The subsequent chapter contains the extensive study on the double-K and double-G fracture parameters in which some recent developments on the related fracture parameters are illustrated including introduction of weight function method to Double-K Fracture Model and formulization of size-effect behavior of the double-K fracture parameters, The application of weight function approach for determining of the KR-curve associated with cohesive stress distribution in the fracture process zone is also presented, Available test data are used to validate the new approach, Further, effect of specimen geometry, loading condition, size-effect and softening functi, ] [ 21:45 ] [ حسین ]
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